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Do need to prune my tree?Updated 2 years ago

Regular pruning helps maintain the shape of the tree and encourages new growth, but is not a must. Use sharp, clean secateurs to prune back new growth to the desired length. Remove dead or damaged branches or leaves as soon as you notice them.

  1. Planning: Plan the shape and style of the bonsai tree. Determine which branches to remove and which to accentuate.
  2. Equipment: Gather the proper tools, such as pruning shears, branch shears, and a magnifying glass.
  3. Timing: Pruning is best done during the growing period, usually in early spring.
  4. Removing branches: Carefully remove excess branches by cutting close to the trunk or branching where the branch originates.
  5. Shortening branches: Shorten branches to create the desired shape and style.
  6. After-pruning care: Give the bonsai tree water and care after pruning to encourage growth.
  7. Monitoring: Regularly check the shape and style of the bonsai tree and adjust as needed.

In short, plan the shape and style of the bonsai tree, gather the proper tools, prune during the growing period, carefully remove excess branches, shorten branches, give care after pruning, and regularly monitor the shape and style.

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